WP_Term_Query{} WP 4.6.0

Клас, який використовується для створення запитів щодо елементів таксономії (термінів).

Використовувати цей клас не рекомендується. Замість нього потрібно використовувати функцію-обгортку get_terms()

Основа для:
WP_Tax_Query() ,

Хуки із класу
$WP_Term_Query = новий WP_Term_Query(); $terms = $term_query->query($query); // або $WP_Term_Query = новий WP_Term_Query( $query ); $terms = $WP_Term_Query->terms
(рядок | масив)

Масив чи рядок параметрів запиту терміна.

Повний список можливих параметрів дивіться в описі get_terms() .

За замовчуванням: ”

Властивості класу

(рядок) (public)
SQL рядок, який є кінцевим запитом до бази даних.
(WP_Meta_Query) (public)
Мета запит.

Типово: false
(масив) (protected)
Частина мета запиту.
(масив) (protected)

Частини запиту SQL.

	'select' => '',
	'from' => '',
	'where' => array(),
	'orderby' => '',
	'limits' => '',
(масив) (public)
Параметри запиту, вказані користувачем.
(масив) (public)
Параметри запиту за промовчанням.
(масив) (public)
Список елементів таксономії, отриманих в результаті запиту.

За замовчуванням: array()

Методи класу

  1. public format_terms( $term_objects, $_fields )
  2. protected get_search_sql( $search )
  3. public parse_order( $order )
  4. protected parse_orderby( $orderby_raw )
  5. protected parse_orderby_meta( $orderby_raw )
  6. public parse_query( $query = ” )
  7. protected populate_terms( $terms )
  8. public query($query)



#1 Приклад Використання

$ args = array (
	'taxonomy' => array( 'post_tag', 'my_tax' ), // назва таксономії з WP 4.5
	'orderby' => 'id',
	'order' => 'ASC',
	'hide_empty' => true,
	'exclude' => array(),
	'exclude_tree' => array(),
	'include' => array(),
	'number' => '',
	'fields' => 'all',
	'count' => false,
	'slug' => '',
	'parent' => '',
	'hierarchical' => true,
	'child_of' => 0,
	'get' => '', // ставимо all щоб отримати всі терміни
	'name__like' => '',
	'pad_counts' => false,
	'offset' => '',
	'search' => '',
	'cache_domain' => 'core',
	'name' => '', // str/arr поле name щоб одержати терміна у ньому. C 4.2.
	'childless' => false, // true не отримає (пропустить) терміни які мають дочірні терміни. C 4.2.
	'update_term_meta_cache' => true, // підвантажувати метадані в кеш
	'meta_query' => '',

$term_query = новий WP_Term_Query( $args );

foreach( $term_query->terms as $term ){

#2 Ще приклад використання

$term_query = новий WP_Term_Query();

$terms = $term_query->query($args);

// Count queries є не filtered, для legacy reasons.
if ( is_array( $terms ) ) {

	foreach( $terms as $term ){
		echo "$term->name <br>";



список змін

З версії 4.6.0Введено.

Код WP_Term_Query{} WP 6.0.2

class WP_Term_Query {

	 * SQL string used to perform database query.
	 * @ Since 4.6.0
	 * @var string
	public $request;

	 * Metadata query container.
	 * @ Since 4.6.0
	 * @var WP_Meta_Query A meta query instance.
	public $meta_query = false;

	 * Metadata query clauses.
	 * @ Since 4.6.0
	 * @var array
	protected $meta_query_clauses;

	 * SQL query clauses.
	 * @ Since 4.6.0
	 * @var array
	protected $sql_clauses = array(
		'select' => '',
		'from' => '',
		'where' => array(),
		'orderby' => '',
		'limits' => '',

	 * Query vars set by the user.
	 * @ Since 4.6.0
	 * @var array
	public $query_vars;

	 * Default values ​​for query vars.
	 * @ Since 4.6.0
	 * @var array
	public $query_var_defaults;

	 * List of terms located by the query.
	 * @ Since 4.6.0
	 * @var array
	public $terms;

	 * Constructor.
	 * Sets up the term query, заснований на query vars passed.
	 * @ Since 4.6.0
	 * @since 4.6.0 Introduced 'term_taxonomy_id' parameter.
	 * @since 4.7.0 Introduced 'object_ids' parameter.
	 * @since 4.9.0 Added 'slug__in' support for 'orderby'.
	 * @since 5.1.0 Introduced the 'meta_compare_key' parameter.
	 * @since 5.3.0 Introduced the 'meta_type_key' parameter.
	 * @param string|array $query {
	 * Optional. Array or query string of term query parameters. Default empty.
	 * @type string|string[] $taxonomy Taxonomy name, або array of taxonomy names, до яких результатів
	 * should be limited.
	 * @type int|int[] $object_ids Object ID, або array of object IDs. Results will be
	 * Limited to terms associated with these objects.
	 * @type string $orderby Field(s) to order terms by. Accepts:
	 * - Term fields ('name', 'slug', 'term_group', 'term_id', 'id',
	 * 'description', 'parent', 'term_order'). Unless `$object_ids`
	 * is not empty, 'term_order' is treated the same as 'term_id'.
	 * - 'count' для використання номера об'єктів поєднаного з терміном.
	 * - 'include' to match the 'order' of the `$include` param.
	 * - 'slug__in' до матчу 'order' of the '$slug' param.
	 * - 'meta_value'
	 * - 'meta_value_num'.
	 * - The value of `$meta_key`.
	 * - Array keys of $meta_query.
	 * - 'none' для ORDER BY clause.
	 * Default 'name'.
	 * @type string $order Whether до order terms в ascending or descending order.
	 * Accepts 'ASC' (ascending) or 'DESC' (descending).
	 * Default 'ASC'.
	 * @type bool|int $hide_empty Whether to hide terms не assigned to any posts. Accepts
	 * 1 | true or 0 | false. Default 1|true.
	 * @type int[]|string $include Array or comma/space-separated string of term IDs to include.
	 * Default empty array.
	 * @type int[]|string $exclude Array or comma/space-separated string of term IDs to exclude.
	 * If `$include` is non-empty, `$exclude` is ignored.
	 * Default empty array.
	 * @type int[]|string $exclude_tree Array or comma/space-separated string of term IDs to exclude
	 * along with all of their descendant terms. If `$include` is
	 * non-empty, `$exclude_tree` is ignored. Default empty array.
	 * @type int|string $number Maximum number of terms to return. Accepts ''|0 (all) or any
	 * positive number. Default ''|0 (all). Note that `$number` may
	 * not return accurate results when coupled with `$object_ids`.
	 * See #41796 for details.
	 * @type int $offset Номер за яким offset терміни пошуку. Default empty.
	 * @type string $fields Терм fields to query for. Accepts:
	 * - 'all' Returns array of complete term objects (`WP_Term[]`).
	 * - 'all_with_object_id' Returns array of term objects
	 * with the 'object_id' param (`WP_Term[]`). Works only
	 * when the `$object_ids` parameter is populated.
	 * - 'ids' Returns array of term IDs (`int[]`).
	 * - 'tt_ids' Returns array of term taxonomy IDs (`int[]`).
	 * - 'names' Returns array of term names (`string[]`).
	 * - 'slugs' Returns array of term slugs (`string[]`).
	 * - 'count' Відображає номер матчів ('int`).
	 * - 'id=>parent' Returns an associative array of parent term IDs,
	 * keyed by term ID (`int[]`).
	 * - 'id=>name' Returns an associative array of term names,
	 * keyed by term ID (`string[]`).
	 * - 'id=>slug' Returns an associative array of term slugs,
	 * keyed by term ID (`string[]`).
	 * Default 'all'.
	 * @type bool $count Whether to return a term count. If true, will take precedence
	 * over `$fields`. Default false.
	 * @type string|string[] $name Name або array of names to return term(s) for.
	 * Default empty.
	 * @type string|string[] $slug Slug або array of slugs to return term(s) for.
	 * Default empty.
	 * @type int|int[] $term_taxonomy_id Term taxonomy ID, або array of term taxonomy IDs,
	 * to match when querying terms.
	 * @type bool $hierarchical Whether включити терміни, які не мають empty descendants
	 * (even if `$hide_empty` is set to true). Default true.
	 * @type string $search Search criteria to match terms. Will be SQL-formatted with
	 * Wildcards before and after. Default empty.
	 * @type string $name__like Retrieve терміни з критерієм, які термін є LIKE
	 * `$name__like`. Default empty.
	 * @type string $description__like Retrieve terms where the description is LIKE
	 * `$description__like`. Default empty.
	 * @type bool $pad_counts Whether to pad quantity of term's children in the
	 * quantity of each term's "count" object variable.
	 * Default false.
	 * @type string $get Whether to return terms regardless of ancestry or whether the
	 * terms are empty. Accepts 'all' or '' (disabled).
	 * Default ''.
	 * @type int $child_of Term ID для retrieve child terms of. If multiple taxonomies
	 * are passed, `$child_of` is ignored. Default 0
	 * @type int $parent Parent term ID для retrieve direct-child terms of.
	 * Default empty.
	 * @type bool $childless True до лімітних результатів до термінів, які не мають дітей.
	 * Цей параметр не впливає на не-ієрархічні taxonomies.
	 * Default false.
	 * @type string $cache_domain Unique cache key to be produced when this query is stored in
	 * an object cache. Default 'core'.
	 * @type bool $update_term_meta_cache Whether до перших meta caches for matched terms. Default true.
	 * @type string|string[] $meta_key Meta key або keys to filter by.
	 * @type string|string[] $meta_value Meta value or values ​​to filter by.
	 * @type string $meta_compare MySQL operator, який використовується для comparing the meta value.
	 * See WP_Meta_Query::__construct для встановлених цінностей і знижок.
	 * @type string $meta_compare_key MySQL operator використаний для comparing the meta key.
	 * See WP_Meta_Query::__construct для встановлених цінностей і знижок.
	 * @type string $meta_type MySQL data type that the meta_value column will be CAST to for comparisons.
	 * See WP_Meta_Query::__construct для встановлених цінностей і знижок.
	 * @type string $meta_type_key MySQL data type that the meta_key column will be CAST to for comparisons.
	 * See WP_Meta_Query::__construct для встановлених цінностей і знижок.
	 * @type array $meta_query An associative array of WP_Meta_Query arguments.
	 * See WP_Meta_Query::__construct for accepted values.
	 * }
	public function __construct( $query = '' ) {
		$this->query_var_defaults = array(
			'taxonomy' => null,
			'object_ids' => null,
			'orderby' => 'name',
			'order' => 'ASC',
			'hide_empty' => true,
			'include' => array(),
			'exclude' => array(),
			'exclude_tree' => array(),
			'number' => '',
			'offset' => '',
			'fields' => 'all',
			'count' => false,
			'name' => '',
			'slug' => '',
			'term_taxonomy_id' => '',
			'hierarchical' => true,
			'search' => '',
			'name__like' => '',
			'description__like' => '',
			'pad_counts' => false,
			'get' => '',
			'child_of' => 0,
			'parent' => '',
			'childless' => false,
			'cache_domain' => 'core',
			'update_term_meta_cache' => true,
			'meta_query' => '',
			'meta_key' => '',
			'meta_value' => '',
			'meta_type' => '',
			'meta_compare' => '',

		if ( ! empty( $query ) ) {
			$this->query( $query );

	 * Parse arguments passed to the term query with default query parameters.
	 * @ Since 4.6.0
	 * @param string|array $query WP_Term_Query arguments. See WP_Term_Query::__construct()
	public function parse_query( $query = '' ) {
		if (empty($query)) {
			$query = $this->query_vars;

		$taxonomies = isset( $query['taxonomy'] ) ? (array) $query['taxonomy'] : null;

		 * Filters the terms query default arguments.
		 * Use {@see 'get_terms_args'} до filter the passed arguments.
		 * @ Since 4.4.0
		 * @param array $defaults An array of default get_terms() arguments.
		 * @param string[] $taxonomies An array of taxonomy names.
		$this->query_var_defaults = apply_filters( 'get_terms_defaults', $this->query_var_defaults, $taxonomies );

		$query = wp_parse_args( $query, $this->query_var_defaults );

		$query['number'] = absint( $query['number'] );
		$query['offset'] = absint( $query['offset'] );

		// 'parent' overrides 'child_of'.
		if ( 0 < (int) $query['parent'] ) {
			$query['child_of'] = false;

		if ( 'all' === $query['get'] ) {
			$query['childless'] = false;
			$query['child_of'] = 0;
			$query['hide_empty'] = 0;
			$query['hierarchical'] = false;
			$query['pad_counts'] = false;

		$query['taxonomy'] = $taxonomies;

		$this->query_vars = $query;

		 * Fires after term query vars має бути parsed.
		 * @ Since 4.6.0
		 * @param WP_Term_Query $query Current instance of WP_Term_Query.
		do_action( 'parse_term_query', $this );

	 * Sets up the query and retrieves the results.
	 * Зворотний тип кількостей залежить від значення passed to `$args['fields']`. See
	 * WP_Term_Query::get_terms() for details.
	 * @ Since 4.6.0
	 * @param string|array $query Array or URL query string of parameters.
	 * @return WP_Term[]|int[]|string[]|string Array of terms, or number of terms as numeric string
	 * when 'count' is passed as a query var.
	public function query( $query ) {
		$this->query_vars = wp_parse_args( $query );
		return $this->get_terms();

	 * Retrieves the query results.
	 * Зворотний тип кількостей залежить від значення passed to `$args['fields']`.
	 * The following will result in array of 'WP_Term' objects being returned:
	 * - 'all'
	 * - 'all_with_object_id'
	 * The following will result in a numeric string being returned:
	 * - 'count'
	 * The following will result in array of text strings being returned:
	 * - 'id=>name'
	 * - 'id=>slug'
	 * - 'names'
	 * - 'slugs'
	 * The following will result in array of numeric strings being returned:
	 * - 'id=>parent'
	 * The following will result in array of integers being returned:
	 * - 'ids'
	 * - 'tt_ids'
	 * @ Since 4.6.0
	 * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object.
	 * @return WP_Term[]|int[]|string[]|string Array of terms, or number of terms as numeric string
	 * when 'count' is passed as a query var.
	public function get_terms() {
		Global $wpdb;

		$this->parse_query( $this->query_vars );
		$args = &$this->query_vars;

		// Set up meta_query so it's available to 'pre_get_terms'.
		$this->meta_query = новий WP_Meta_Query();
		$this->meta_query->parse_query_vars( $args );

		 * Fires до термів є retrieved.
		 * @ Since 4.6.0
		 * @param WP_Term_Query $query Current instance of WP_Term_Query (passed by reference).
		do_action_ref_array( 'pre_get_terms', array( &$this ) );

		$taxonomies = (array) $args['taxonomy'];

		/ / Save queries by не crawling the tree в case of multiple taxes чи flat tax.
		$has_hierarchical_tax = false;
		if ( $taxonomies ) {
			foreach ( $taxonomies as $_tax ) {
				if ( is_taxonomy_hierarchical( $_tax ) ) {
					$has_hierarchical_tax = true;
		} else {
			// Коли не taxonomies є забезпечені, існують, що ми маємо, щоб перейти до stromу.
			$has_hierarchical_tax = true;

		if ( ! $has_hierarchical_tax ) {
			$args['hierarchical'] = false;
			$args['pad_counts'] = false;

		// 'parent' overrides 'child_of'.
		if ( 0 < (int) $args['parent'] ) {
			$args['child_of'] = false;

		if ( 'all' === $args['get'] ) {
			$args['childless'] = false;
			$args['child_of'] = 0;
			$args['hide_empty'] = 0;
			$args['hierarchical'] = false;
			$args['pad_counts'] = false;

		 * Filters the terms query arguments.
		 * @ Since 3.1.0
		 * @param array $args An array of get_terms() arguments.
		 * @param string[] $taxonomies An array of taxonomy names.
		$args = apply_filters( 'get_terms_args', $args, $taxonomies);

		// Avoid the query if the queried parent/child_of term не є descendants.
		$child_of = $args['child_of'];
		$parent = $args['parent'];

		if ($ child_of) {
			$_parent = $child_of;
		} elseif ($parent) {
			$_parent = $parent;
		} else {
			$_parent = false;

		if ($_parent) {
			$in_hierarchy = false;
			foreach ( $taxonomies as $_tax ) {
				$hierarchy = _get_term_hierarchy($_tax);

				if ( isset( $hierarchy[ $_parent ] ) ) {
					$in_hierarchy = true;

			if (! $in_hierarchy) {
				if ( 'count' === $args['fields'] ) {
					return 0;
				} else {
					$this->terms = array();
					return $this->terms;

		// 'term_order' is a legal sort order тільки коли joining the relationship table.
		$_orderby = $this->query_vars['orderby'];
		if ( 'term_order' === $_orderby && empty( $this->query_vars['object_ids'] ) ) {
			$_orderby = 'term_id';

		$orderby = $this->parse_orderby( $_orderby );

		if ($ orderby) {
			$orderby = "ORDER BY $orderby";

		$order = $this->parse_order( $this->query_vars['order'] );

		if ( $taxonomies ) {
			$this->sql_clauses['where']['taxonomy'] =
				"tt.taxonomy IN ('" . implode( "', '", array_map( 'esc_sql', $taxonomies ) ) . "')";

		if ( empty( $args['exclude'] ) ) {
			$args['exclude'] = array();

		if ( empty( $args['include'] ) ) {
			$args['include'] = array();

		$exclude = $args['exclude'];
		$exclude_tree = $args['exclude_tree'];
		$include = $args['include'];

		$inclusions = '';
		if ( ! empty( $include ) ) {
			$exclude = '';
			$exclude_tree = '';
			$inclusions = implode(',', wp_parse_id_list($include));

		if ( ! empty( $inclusions ) ) {
			$this->sql_clauses['where']['inclusions'] = 't.term_id IN ( ' . $inclusions . ' )';

		$exclusions = array();
		if ( ! empty( $exclude_tree ) ) {
			$exclude_tree = wp_parse_id_list( $exclude_tree );
			$excluded_children = $exclude_tree;
			foreach ($exclude_tree as $extrunk) {
				$excluded_children = array_merge(
					(array) get_terms(
							'taxonomy' => reset( $taxonomies ),
							'child_of' => (int) $extrunk,
							'fields' => 'ids',
							'hide_empty' => 0,
			$exclusions = array_merge( $excluded_children, $exclusions );

		if ( ! empty( $exclude ) ) {
			$exclusions = array_merge( wp_parse_id_list( $exclude ), $exclusions );

		// 'childless' terms є those без введення в темноті term hierarchy.
		$childless = (bool) $args['childless'];
		if ( $childless ) {
			foreach ( $taxonomies as $_tax ) {
				$term_hierarchy = _get_term_hierarchy($_tax);
				$exclusions = array_merge( array_keys( $term_hierarchy ), $exclusions );

		if ( ! empty( $exclusions ) ) {
			$exclusions = 't.term_id NOT IN ('. implode(',', array_map('intval', $exclusions)).')';
		} else {
			$exclusions = '';

		 * Filters the terms to exclude from the terms query.
		 * @ Since 2.3.0
		 * @param string $exclusions `NOT IN` clause of the terms query.
		 * @param array $args На array of terms query arguments.
		 * @param string[] $taxonomies An array of taxonomy names.
		$exclusions = apply_filters( 'list_terms_exclusions', $exclusions, $args, $taxonomies);

		if ( ! empty( $exclusions ) ) {
			// Необхідна string manipulation here для backward compatibility with filter.
			$this->sql_clauses['where']['exclusions'] = preg_replace( '/^s*ANDs*/', '', $exclusions );

		if ( '' === $args['name'] ) {
			$args['name'] = array();
		} else {
			$args['name'] = (array) $args['name'];

		if ( ! empty( $args['name'] ) ) {
			$names = $args['name'];
			foreach ( $names as &$_name ) {
				// `sanitize_term_field()` returns slashed data.
				$_name = stripslashes( sanitize_term_field( 'name', $_name, 0, reset( $taxonomies ), 'db' ) );

			$this->sql_clauses['where']['name'] = "t.name IN ('" . implode( "', '", array_map( 'esc_sql', $names ) ) . "')";

		if ( '' === $args['slug'] ) {
			$args['slug'] = array();
		} else {
			$args['slug'] = array_map( 'sanitize_title', (array) $args['slug'] );

		if ( ! empty( $args['slug'] ) ) {
			$slug = implode( "', '", $args['slug'] );

			$this->sql_clauses['where']['slug'] = "t.slug IN ('" . $slug . "')";

		if ( '' === $args['term_taxonomy_id'] ) {
			$args['term_taxonomy_id'] = array();
		} else {
			$args['term_taxonomy_id'] = array_map( 'intval', (array) $args['term_taxonomy_id'] );

		if ( ! empty( $args['term_taxonomy_id'] ) ) {
			$tt_ids = implode(',', $args['term_taxonomy_id']);

			$this->sql_clauses['where']['term_taxonomy_id'] = "tt.term_taxonomy_id IN ({$tt_ids})";

		if ( ! empty( $args['name__like'] ) ) {
			$this->sql_clauses['where']['name__like'] = $wpdb->prepare(
				't.name LIKE %s',
				'%'. $wpdb->esc_like( $args['name__like'] ) . '%'

		if ( ! empty( $args['description__like'] ) ) {
			$this->sql_clauses['where']['description__like'] = $wpdb->prepare(
				'tt.description LIKE %s',
				'%'. $wpdb->esc_like( $args['description__like'] ) . '%'

		if ( '' === $args['object_ids'] ) {
			$args['object_ids'] = array();
		} else {
			$args['object_ids'] = array_map( 'intval', (array) $args['object_ids'] );

		if ( ! empty( $args['object_ids'] ) ) {
			$object_ids = implode(', ', $args['object_ids'] );

			$this->sql_clauses['where']['object_ids'] = "tr.object_id IN ($object_ids)";

		 * When querying for object relationships, the 'count > 0' check
		 * added by 'hide_empty' is superfluous.
		if ( ! empty( $args['object_ids'] ) ) {
			$args['hide_empty'] = false;

		if ( '' !== $parent ) {
			$parent = (int) $parent;
			$this->sql_clauses['where']['parent'] = "tt.parent = '$parent'";

		$hierarchical = $args['hierarchical'];
		if ( 'count' === $args['fields'] ) {
			$hierarchical = false;
		if ( $args['hide_empty'] && ! $hierarchical ) {
			$this->sql_clauses['where']['count'] = 'tt.count > 0';

		$number = $args['number'];
		$offset = $args['offset'];

		// Не буде обмеження Query результати, коли ми будемо перейти до родини.
		if ( $number && ! $hierarchical && ! $child_of && '' === $parent ) {
			if ($offset) {
				$limits = 'LIMIT'. $offset. ','. $number;
			} else {
				$limits = 'LIMIT'. $number;
		} else {
			$limits = '';

		if ( ! empty( $args['search'] ) ) {
			$this->sql_clauses['where']['search'] = $this->get_search_sql( $args['search'] );

		// Meta query support.
		$join = '';
		$distinct = '';

		// Reparse meta_query query_vars, у випадку вони були внесені в 'pre_get_terms' callback.
		$this->meta_query->parse_query_vars( $this->query_vars );
		$mq_sql = $this->meta_query->get_sql( 'term', 't', 'term_id');
		$meta_clauses = $this->meta_query->get_clauses();

		if ( ! empty( $meta_clauses ) ) {
			$join .= $mq_sql['join'];
			$this->sql_clauses['where']['meta_query'] = preg_replace( '/^s*ANDs*/', '', $mq_sql['where'] );
			$distinct .= 'DISTINCT';


		$selects = array();
		switch ( $args['fields'] ) {
			case 'count':
				$orderby = '';
				$order = '';
				$selects = array( 'COUNT(*)' );
				$selects = array('t.term_id');
				if ( 'all_with_object_id' === $args['fields'] && ! empty( $args['object_ids'] ) ) {
					$selects[] = 'tr.object_id';

		$_fields = $args['fields'];

		 * Filters the fields до select in the terms query.
		 * Field lists modified using this filter will only modify the term fields returned
		 * by the function when the `$fields` parameter set to 'count' або 'all'. У всіх інших
		 * cases, the term fields в results array will be determined by the `$fields`
		 * Parameter alone.
		 * Використання цього filtrа може бути результатом в непередбачуваному behavior, і це не recommended.
		 * @ Since 2.8.0
		 * @param string[] $selects На array of fields to select for the terms query.
		 * @param array $args На array of term query arguments.
		 * @param string[] $taxonomies An array of taxonomy names.
		$fields = implode( ', ', apply_filters( 'get_terms_fields', $selects, $args, $taxonomies ) );

		$join .= "INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id";

		if ( ! empty( $this->query_vars['object_ids'] ) ) {
			$join .= " INNER JOIN {$wpdb->term_relationships} AS tr ON tr.term_taxonomy_id = tt.term_taxonomy_id";
			$distinct = 'DISTINCT';

		$where = implode( 'AND', $this->sql_clauses['where'] );

		$clauses = array( 'fields', 'join', 'where', 'distinct', 'orderby', 'order', 'limits' );

		 * Filters the terms query SQL clauses.
		 * @ Since 3.1.0
		 * @param string[] $clauses {
		 * Associative array of clauses for the query.
		 * @type string $fields SELECT clause of the query.
		 * @type string $join JOIN clause of the query.
		 * @type string $where The WHERE clause of the query.
		 * @type string $distinct DISTINCT clause of the query.
		 * @type string $orderby ORDER BY clause of the query.
		 * @type string $order ORDER clause of the query.
		 * @type string $limits The LIMIT clause of the query.
		 * }
		 * @param string[] $taxonomies An array of taxonomy names.
		 * @param array $args На array of term query arguments.
		$clauses = apply_filters( 'terms_clauses', compact( $clauses ), $taxonomies, $args );

		$fields = isset( $clauses['fields'] ) ? $clauses['fields'] : '';
		$join = isset($clauses['join'])? $clauses['join'] : '';
		$where = isset( $clauses['where'] ) ? $clauses['where'] : '';
		$distinct = isset($clauses['distinct'])? $clauses['distinct'] : '';
		$orderby = isset( $clauses['orderby'] ) ? $clauses['orderby'] : '';
		$order = isset($clauses['order'])? $clauses['order'] : '';
		$limits = isset( $clauses['limits'] ) ? $clauses['limits'] : '';

		if ($where) {
			$where = "WHERE $where";

		$this->sql_clauses['select'] = "SELECT $distinct $fields";
		$this->sql_clauses['from'] = "FROM $wpdb->terms AS t $join";
		$this->sql_clauses['orderby'] = $orderby ? "$orderby $order" : '';
		$this->sql_clauses['limits'] = $limits;

		$this->request = "

		$this->terms = null;

		 * Filters the terms array before the query takes place.
		 * Return a non-null value to bypass WordPress' default term queries.
		 * @ Since 5.3.0
		 * @param array|null $terms Відновити array of term data to short-circuit WP's term query,
		 * або null to allow WP queries to run normally.
		 * @param WP_Term_Query $query WP_Term_Query instance, passed by reference.
		$this->terms = apply_filters_ref_array( 'terms_pre_query', array( $this->terms, &$this ) );

		if ( null !== $this->terms ) {
			return $this->terms;

		// $args can be anything. Використовуйте тільки арги, які вказуються в параметрах до комп'ютера.
		$cache_args = wp_array_slice_assoc( $args, array_keys( $this->query_var_defaults ) );

		unset( $cache_args['update_term_meta_cache'] );

		if ( 'count' !== $_fields && 'all_with_object_id' !== $_fields ) {
			$cache_args['fields'] = 'all';

		$key = md5( serialize( $cache_args ) . serialize( $taxonomies ) . $this->request );
		$last_changed = wp_cache_get_last_changed( 'terms' );
		$cache_key = "get_terms:$key:$last_changed";
		$ cache = wp_cache_get ($ cache_key, 'terms');

		if ( false !== $cache ) {
			if ( 'ids' === $_fields ) {
				$cache = array_map( 'intval', $cache );
			} elseif ( 'count' !== $_fields ) {
				if ( ( 'all_with_object_id' === $_fields && ! empty( $args['object_ids'] ) ) || ( 'all' === $_fields && $args['pad_counts'] ) ) {
					$term_ids = wp_list_pluck( $cache, 'term_id');
				} else {
					$term_ids = array_map( 'intval', $cache);
				_prime_term_caches( $term_ids, $args['update_term_meta_cache'] );
				$term_objects = $this->populate_terms( $cache );
				$cache = $this->format_terms( $term_objects, $_fields );

			$this->terms = $cache;
			return $this->terms;

		if ( 'count' === $_fields ) {
			$count = $wpdb->get_var( $this->request ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared
			wp_cache_set($cache_key, $count, 'terms');
			return $count;

		$terms = $wpdb->get_results( $this->request ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.PreparedSQL.NotPrepared

		if ( empty( $terms ) ) {
			wp_cache_add($cache_key, array(), 'terms');
			return array();

		$term_ids = wp_list_pluck( $terms, 'term_id');
		_prime_term_caches($term_ids, false);
		$term_objects = $this->populate_terms( $terms );

		if ($ child_of) {
			foreach ( $taxonomies as $_tax ) {
				$children = _get_term_hierarchy($_tax);
				if ( ! empty( $children ) ) {
					$term_objects = _get_term_children( $child_of, $term_objects, $_tax );

		// Update term counts до include children.
		if ( $args['pad_counts'] && 'all' === $_fields ) {
			foreach ( $taxonomies as $_tax ) {
				_pad_term_counts( $term_objects, $_tax );

		// Make sure we show empty categories that have children.
		if ( $hierarchical && $args['hide_empty'] && is_array( $term_objects ) ) {
			foreach ( $term_objects as $k => $term ) {
				if ( ! $term->count ) {
					$children = get_term_children( $term->term_id, $term->taxonomy);
					if ( is_array ( $ children ) ) {
						foreach ( $children as $child_id ) {
							$ Child = get_term ($ Child_id, $ Term-> taxonomy);
							if ($child->count) {
								continue 2;

					// It really is empty.

		// Hierarchical queries не є обмеженим, так 'offset' і 'number' must be handled now.
		if ( $hierarchical && $number && is_array( $term_objects ) ) {
			if ( $offset >= count( $term_objects ) ) {
				$term_objects = array();
			} else {
				$term_objects = array_slice( $term_objects, $offset, $number, true );

		// Prime termmeta cache.
		if ( $args['update_term_meta_cache'] ) {
			$term_ids = wp_list_pluck( $term_objects, 'term_id');

		if ( 'all_with_object_id' === $_fields && ! empty( $args['object_ids'] ) ) {
			$term_cache = array();
			foreach ( $term_objects as $term ) {
				$object = new stdClass();
				$object->term_id = $term->term_id;
				$object->object_id = $term->object_id;
				$term_cache[] = $object;
		} elseif ( 'all' === $_fields && $args['pad_counts'] ) {
			$term_cache = array();
			foreach ( $term_objects as $term ) {
				$object = new stdClass();
				$object->term_id = $term->term_id;
				$object->count = $term->count;
				$term_cache[] = $object;
		} else {
			$term_cache = wp_list_pluck( $term_objects, 'term_id');
		wp_cache_add($cache_key, $term_cache, 'terms');
		$this->terms = $this->format_terms( $term_objects, $_fields );

		return $this->terms;

	 * Parse and sanitize 'orderby' keys passed to the term query.
	 * @ Since 4.6.0
	 * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object.
	 * @param string $orderby_raw Вельми для поля до ордер by.
	 * @return string|false Value to used в ORDER clause. False іншіwise.
	protected function parse_orderby( $orderby_raw ) {
		$_orderby = strtolower( $orderby_raw );
		$maybe_orderby_meta = false;

		if ( in_array( $_orderby, array( 'term_id', 'name', 'slug', 'term_group' ), true ) ) {
			$orderby = "t.$_orderby";
		} elseif ( in_array( $_orderby, array( 'count', 'parent', 'taxonomy', 'term_taxonomy_id', 'description' ), true ) ) {
			$orderby = "tt.$_orderby";
		} elseif ( 'term_order' === $_orderby ) {
			$orderby = 'tr.term_order';
		} elseif ( 'include' === $_orderby && ! empty( $this->query_vars['include'] ) ) {
			$include = implode( ',', wp_parse_id_list( $this->query_vars['include'] ) );
			$orderby = "FIELD(t.term_id, $include)";
		} elseif ( 'slug__in' === $_orderby && ! empty( $this->query_vars['slug'] ) && is_array( $this->query_vars['slug'] ) ) {
			$slugs = implode( "', '", array_map( 'sanitize_title_for_query', $this->query_vars['slug'] ) );
			$orderby = "FIELD( t.slug, '" . $slugs . "')";
		} elseif ( 'none' === $_orderby ) {
			$orderby = '';
		} elseif ( empty( $_orderby ) || 'id' === $_orderby || 'term_id' === $_orderby ) {
			$orderby = 't.term_id';
		} else {
			$orderby = 't.name';

			// Це може бути значенням відповідності до ордерів.
			$maybe_orderby_meta = true;

		 * Filters the ORDERBY clause of the terms query.
		 * @ Since 2.8.0
		 * @param string $orderby `ORDERBY` clause of the terms query.
		 * @param array $args На array of term query arguments.
		 * @param string[] $taxonomies An array of taxonomy names.
		$orderby = apply_filters( 'get_terms_orderby', $orderby, $this->query_vars, $this->query_vars['taxonomy'] );

		// Run after the 'get_terms_orderby' filter for backward compatibility.
		if ( $maybe_orderby_meta ) {
			$maybe_orderby_meta = $this->parse_orderby_meta( $_orderby );
			if ( $maybe_orderby_meta ) {
				$orderby = $maybe_orderby_meta;

		return $orderby;

	 * Format response depending on field requested.
	 * @ Since 6.0.0
	 * @param WP_Term[] $term_objects Array of term objects.
	 * @param string $_fields Field to format.
	 * @return WP_Term[]|int[]|string[] Array of terms / strings / ints depending on field requested.
	protected function format_terms( $term_objects, $_fields ) {
		$_terms = array();
		if ( 'id=>parent' === $_fields ) {
			foreach ( $term_objects as $term ) {
				$_terms[ $term->term_id ] = $term->parent;
		} elseif ( 'ids' === $_fields ) {
			foreach ( $term_objects as $term ) {
				$_terms[] = (int) $term->term_id;
		} elseif ( 'tt_ids' === $_fields ) {
			foreach ( $term_objects as $term ) {
				$_terms[] = (int) $term->term_taxonomy_id;
		} elseif ( 'names' === $_fields ) {
			foreach ( $term_objects as $term ) {
				$_terms[] = $term->name;
		} elseif ( 'slugs' === $_fields ) {
			foreach ( $term_objects as $term ) {
				$_terms[] = $term->slug;
		} elseif ( 'id=>name' === $_fields ) {
			foreach ( $term_objects as $term ) {
				$_terms[ $term->term_id ] = $term->name;
		} elseif ( 'id=>slug' === $_fields ) {
			foreach ( $term_objects as $term ) {
				$_terms[ $term->term_id ] = $term->slug;
		} elseif ( 'all' === $_fields || 'all_with_object_id' === $_fields ) {
			$_terms = $term_objects;

		return $_terms;

	 * Generate the ORDER BY clause for 'orderby' param that is potentially related to a meta query.
	 * @ Since 4.6.0
	 * @param string $orderby_raw Raw 'orderby' value passed to WP_Term_Query.
	 * @return string ORDER BY clause.
	protected function parse_orderby_meta( $orderby_raw ) {
		$orderby = '';

		// Tell meta meta to generate its SQL, так що вони мають доступ до Table Aliases.
		$this->meta_query->get_sql( 'term', 't', 'term_id' );
		$meta_clauses = $this->meta_query->get_clauses();
		if ( ! $meta_clauses || ! $orderby_raw ) {
			return $orderby;

		$allowed_keys = array();
		$primary_meta_key = null;
		$primary_meta_query = reset($meta_clauses);
		if ( ! empty( $primary_meta_query['key'] ) ) {
			$primary_meta_key = $primary_meta_query['key'];
			$allowed_keys[] = $primary_meta_key;
		$allowed_keys[] = 'meta_value';
		$allowed_keys[] = 'meta_value_num';
		$allowed_keys = array_merge($allowed_keys, array_keys($meta_clauses));

		if ( ! in_array( $orderby_raw, $allowed_keys, true ) ) {
			return $orderby;

		switch ($ orderby_raw) {
			case $primary_meta_key:
			case 'meta_value':
				if ( ! empty( $primary_meta_query['type'] ) ) {
					$orderby = "CAST({$primary_meta_query['alias']}.meta_value AS {$primary_meta_query['cast']})";
				} else {
					$orderby = "{$primary_meta_query['alias']}.meta_value";

			case 'meta_value_num':
				$orderby = "{$primary_meta_query['alias']}.meta_value+0";

				if ( array_key_exists( $orderby_raw, $meta_clauses ) ) {
					// $orderby corresponds to a meta_query clause.
					$meta_clause = $meta_clauses[$orderby_raw];
					$orderby = "CAST({$meta_clause['alias']}..meta_value AS {$meta_clause['cast']})";

		return $orderby;

	 * Початок 'ордер' query variable і cast it до ASC або DESC як необхідно.
	 * @ Since 4.6.0
	 * @param string $order The 'order' query variable.
	 * @return string The sanitized 'order' query variable.
	protected function parse_order( $order ) {
		if ( ! is_string( $order ) || empty( $order ) ) {
			return 'DESC';

		if ( 'ASC' === strtoupper( $order ) ) {
			return 'ASC';
		} else {
			return 'DESC';

	 * Used internally to generate SQL string related to 'search' parameter.
	 * @ Since 4.6.0
	 * @global wpdb $wpdb WordPress database abstraction object.
	 * @param string $search Search string.
	 * @return string Search SQL.
	protected function get_search_sql( $search ) {
		Global $wpdb;

		$like = '%'. $wpdb->esc_like( $search ) . '%';

		return $wpdb->prepare( '((t.name LIKE %s) OR (t.slug LIKE %s))', $like, $like );

	 * Creates array of term objects від array of term IDs.
	 * Also discards invalid term objects.
	 * @ Since 4.9.8
	 * @param Object[]|int[] $terms List of objects or term ids.
	 * @return WP_Term[] Array of `WP_Term` objects.
	protected function populate_terms( $terms ) {
		$term_objects = array();
		if ( ! is_array( $terms ) ) {
			return $term_objects;

		foreach ( $terms as $key => $term_data ) {
			if ( is_object( $term_data ) && property_exists( $term_data, 'term_id' ) ) {
				$ term = get_term ($ term_data-> term_id);
				if ( property_exists( $term_data, 'object_id' ) ) {
					$term->object_id = (int) $term_data->object_id;
				if ( property_exists( $term_data, 'count' ) ) {
					$term->count = (int) $term_data->count;
			} else {
				$ term = get_term ($ term_data);

			if ( $term instanceof WP_Term ) {
				$term_objects[$key] = $term;

		return $term_objects;

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